
Mária Pauchly a jej rodina potrebuje našu pomoc.

Viacerí farníci kostola sv. Cyrila a Metoda v New Westminsteri, návštevníci webového portálu sk-bc.ca ako aj čitatelia časopisu Slovo z Britsej Kolumbie sa na nás obrátili o pomoc pri rozšírení tejto žiadosti o pomoc.

Jedna čitateľka píše:

Hello Everyone,

I would like to ask you for a HUGE, HUGE FAVOUR on behalf of my friend Maria Pau.

If you would like to know to whom you are sending your generous support, you could find my friend Maria on Facebook.

Maria is a Mom of 2 lovely daughters ( 9, 12 ) battling cancer. She need special treatment which is not cover by medical plan. Her children need her but without your help, treatment wouldn't be possible.

You could contribute at: www.gofundme.com/5iim68

Any sum is a great sum. Please feel free to forward this request for help to your network.

If you prefer to send a check, please contact Maria at: for address.

Allow me to finish with warmest wishes for all the best things of Christmas - magic and wonder, hope and love, peace and joy, that are with all of you all year long.

Thank you in advance!