[2010-11-20] Communication with the customer S

I to S:

Hello S,

several weeks passed and, although I still do not know the date, the surgery day is coming closer (my guess is that it will happen in the week starting Nov 28 or Dec 5)

10 days ago I had scan of my heart and it suggested that some arterias feeding the heart itself are plugged.

Yesterday I had angiogram that confirmed that suggestion.

So, it looks like not only myxoma should be removed but also some by-passes are necessary. Well, 2 in 1 :)

I will know more details next week.

In meantime, we should finish this current phase of the new development (during the next week), go alive or freeze it for a month or so, and continue after Christmas.

What are your thoughts?

S to me

I think you should get well and then we should resume.

Let's put the project on hold until you are well; please let me know the date of the surgery. (it my habit to pray for friends undergoing medical treatment)

Also please let me know if your family needs anything.

Take care, S.
I to S

Thank you S for your kind words and offers.
I will keep you posted.

God bless you and all your family